Spice Up Your World

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Garlic is also a must-have. This is a fundamental component in many dishes, and is traditionally used by most cultures. While some people might opt for garlic powder, there is no substitute for nice, fresh cloves of garlic.

To save time, keep a jar of minced garlic in your refrigerator. Not only does garlic make food taste better, but it is also is thought to prevent heart disease (including high cholesterol and high blood pressure) and cancer.

When it comes to Indian and Mexican cuisine, a little cumin goes a long way. It is traditionally added to curries, as well as enchiladas and tacos. Cumin is a great spice to include in salsas as it provides extra flavor and draws out a natural sweetness in foods.

Oregano is a staple in Italian and Greek cuisine. With a warm yet slightly bitter scent, this herb is an especially important ingredient in tomato sauces, pizzas and grilled meat. And it won't hurt your health -- oregano is high in antioxidants and is often used as a medicinal plant.

Ginger is another essential spice. Its characteristic tangy flavor gives dishes a unique taste that makes eating them an entire experience. Add some ginger to any recipe and make it your own!