What a Sight! Should I Get Bifocals?

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The Future of Bifocals 

Bifocals have evolved since their creation, but research continues to examine whether they can be used early in life to prevent further damage and vision loss. They aren't just made for older people, nor do they have to look like they're designed for the elderly. New materials are being used and new technologies are advancing the use and look of bifocal lenses. 

Guoqiang Li, a researcher at the University of Arizona, and his team created new electronic bifocals, for example. In the prototype, "each lens consists of two flat glass plates with a hair-thin layer of shape-shifting liquid crystal sandwiched between," Li told LiveScience. One plate features small electrodes through which a current runs, causing "the liquid crystals to rearrange and mimic the nearby focusing power of a human eye lens."

The best way to tell if you need to get bifocals is to observe your own behavior. Do you squint when reading or hold material at arm's length to focus better? If you find yourself adjusting to make seeing easier, it may be time to schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist or optometrist.