Lose Weight without Drastic Changes

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Sticking with a consistent exercise routine: Avoid jumping into an entirely new workout routine and add simple and enjoyable physical activities to your day. Start walking more, go for a morning jog or go on a bike ride after work to get your heart pumping and enjoy moving your body. Sustain the activity for at least 20-30 minutes each day and you have a "workout" routine that you actually enjoy!

Reduce junk food and unhealthy snacking habits: Eliminate one or two unhealthy snacks from your day so you can start cutting back slowly. If you feel true hunger, reach for healthier alternatives such as fresh or dried fruit, low-fat yogurt or a granola bar so you are not putting yourself in starvation mode.

Resist the temptation to jump into the next fad diet program or fall for promises of "extreme" weight loss and adopt a sensible and healthy approach instead. Your body will benefit from a healthier, more gradual transition as you lose those extra pounds, and you won't be at risk for bingeing and overeating during the process.